Feel More in Control - Acid Reflux Basics
Millions of people in the United States suffer from acid reflux disease.
The medical term for Acid reflux is called Gastroesophageal reflux disease. It is caused when the stomach releases acid back up into the esophagus. This in turn causes the esophageal lining to be inflamed, often cause serious damage.
It is very easy to understand. In order for the stomach to digest food, it needs the acid. But there are also other compounds that assist the acid. Bile is produced in the liver and at times it can be released in the stomach by acid reflux. Pepsin is a natural enzyme in the body that actually gets the stomach moving in breaking down the proteins. Acid reflux occurs when these three compounds are combined.
Everyone suffers from acid reflux from time to time and in varying degrees. It is a normal part of live. Acid reflux disease occurs when the acid level is elevated it also stays in the esophagus for longer periods of time.
Acid reflux is a serious disease that can be treated but not cured. When a person is diagnosed, they will remain on medication for the rest of his or her life.
Serious diseases can result from acid reflux disease such as Esophagitis. When the person who suffers from acid reflux disease continues to take the prescribed medication, they greatly reduce their chances of developing these diseases.
The human body has natural defenses and through the use of saliva, which has bicarbonate in it and neutralizes the acid. Swallowing can battle the affects of acid reflux. However, this is only during the day. This is because you move around all day, whether sitting or standing, gravity keeps the acid down.
Sleeping is a whole different story. When you sleep, the body produces less saliva. And because you are lying down, your body provides a level path for the acid to travel. You are neither vertical or swallowing; therefore the acid remains in the esophagus for longer periods of time causing more damage.
Heartburn, nausea and vomiting occurring at or just after a meal are all signs of acid reflux disease. Some people experience regurgitation that leaves a horrible aftertaste.
The pain of acid reflux has been likened to Angina. A life threatening heart disorder. It is extremely crucial that you see your doctor as soon as possible to rule out any underlying problems.
Acid reflux disease is an extremely painful disease. It can strike at anytime during your life. It is important that you see your doctor at the onset of the symptoms, to avoid any long-term damage to your body.
Jill Seimer reports on healthy living at RefluxLife.com and discussed natural healing of heartburn from her experience using on natural cures for acid reflux.
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