Friday, November 30, 2007

Alternative Therapies for Acid Reflux Disease

Acid Reflux Disease, or GERD, is a common disease which affects approximately 5-7% of the population. It occurs when acid from the stomach backs up into the esophagus, a long, thin, muscular tube, which connects the mouth and the stomach. This often causes a constant burning sensation behind the breastbone, which is commonly known as heartburn. Long-term or persistent heartburn should be evaluated by a doctor, as heartburn can imitate the symptoms of heart disease.

Once you have been properly diagnosed as having Acid Reflux Disease, there are a variety of treatment options available to you. Many doctors recommend over the counter medications, developed to reduce stomach acid, such as antacids or prokinetic agents. Some patients who are unable to control their symptoms with non-prescription medication may either choose prescription antacids or surgery, or opt for a combination of the two.

There are other options available, however, to help you manage your symptoms. Many patients are able to control their disease by simply by making lifestyle changes. Here are a few tips, to get you started.

Probably the most important lifestyle change that you could make to help you manage your GERD symptoms is the simplest- avoid the foods and drinks that make you uncomfortable! While this may sound like common sense, many sufferers find it difficult to make dietary changes. Try replacing fatty, deep-fried foods with healthier options, such as tasty summer salads and steamed vegetables. You should also try to limit your intake of caffeinated beverages, as caffeine is a known contributor to GERD, so opt for decaf teas and coffees instead.

Stress reduction is also key to the management of acid reflux disease. The body manufactures more stomach acid when under stress, so it is important to learn to relax. Meditation is a very useful tool for effectively reducing stress levels, so incorporating one or two short meditation sessions into each day can help you to relax. Likewise, yoga is also recommended as being an effective way to manage stress, so try to find a class near you.

By incorporating simple changes into your life, you can not only better manage your GERD symptoms, but also enhance the overall quality of your life.

Jeff Lakie is the founder of Acid Reflux Causes a website that allows consumers
to quickly and easily get acid reflux
Metabolism drug induced Weight Loss Can Be Effective.Terje Brooks EllingsenA metabolism drug like ephedrine, has shown many people how to burn fat fast. These drugs however, are associated with a certain degree of risk. What about their effectiveness compared to these risks? And what should you do to minimize the probability of side effects.

What Is an Ephedrine-based metabolism drug?

Ephedrine is derived from the plant ephedra. This is a perennial shrub with several different species growing in certain regions of Asia, Europe, North America and South America.

Many of these varities, especially the Asian and European ones, contain the active substance ephedrine alkaloids or EAs where Ephedrine is the major EA.

In China ephedrine has been used for more than 5,000 years to treat diseases like asthma, fever, colds, and even malaria.

Ephedrine products are sold in pill, liquid and even bar form.

Ephedrine products are often combined with caffeine, aspirin, and a variety of other herbs considered to aid a fat burning process.

Caffeine is added because it has been proven to enhance and prolong the effects of ephedrine. Especially for weight loss, u

always purchase from reliable companies with extensive label information rather than buying a no-name brand off the Internet.

check the label carefully.

When you know the exact milligram amount of the active alkaloid

Start up with 10 mg per day (24 hours)

gradually and slowly increase the dosage up to 90 mg a day

within this limit, keep to the highest dosage that doesnt have you experiencing negative side effects.
Terje Brooks Ellingsen is a writer and internet marketer. He runs the website http://www.11-weight-loss.netTerje enjoys to give advice and help people with weight loss, exercise programs, see fitness issues, see

Nutrition and metabolism disorder.Terje Brooks EllingsenWhat is the relationship between intake of nutrition and metabolism disorder? Is slow metabolism the cause of my overweight? Are there any types of nutrition that can speed it up? Could a pill speed it up?

There are many myths and misconceptions about metabolism. The idea that a low metabolic rate is always responsible for excess weight is one of them.
Another is that a slower-than-average metabolism, means you're destined to be obese.

What is metabolism?

Metabolism is the rate at which your body breaks down the nutrients in food to produce energy. A person with a "fast" metabolism, for example, utilizes calories more quickly, in some cases making it easier to stave off excess pounds.

Your metabolism is primary determined by your body composition: the more total fat-free mass you have the higher your resting metabolic rate will be.

Other factors that determine your metabolism is


hormones such as thyroid and insulin


calorie intake



Your baseline metabolism is determined at birth.

When youve passed the age of 30 and without exercising, the metabolism decreases with the age.

However, you can increase your metabolism to a certain extent by exercising and building lean muscle.

Each time you significantly reduce calories to lose weight youll experience a temporary decrease of 5-10 percent in metabolism.

Workouts for increasing your metabolism

A high-intensity cardio workout that really increases your heart rate will make you lose the most calories and represent the most significant short-term metabolic booster; between 20 and 30 percent. However, it won't have a permanent effect on your metabolism. After your workout, your metabolism will return to its previous level over several hours--but you'll continue burning extra calories in the meantime.

Though weight training is the most effective way to build and preserve your lean muscles, the muscle influence on metabolism is pretty slight. Each pound of muscle gained, can raise your metabolism up to 15 calories per day.

Can certain foods affect your metabolism?

Most of the scientific research reports that the type of food you eat has no significant impact on your long term metabolism rate. So fats, proteins and carbs seem to affect metabolism similarly.

Scientific data also tells that protein can slightly increase metabolic rate, but only temporarly.

The more calories you cut, the lower your metabolism rate will drop. An extremely low-calorie diet with fewer than 800 calories a day could cause your metabolic rate to decrease by more than 10 percent.

It is not what you eat but how much you eat what really matters. For a safe,sustainable weight loss, the average person shouldn't eat less than 1,200 calories a day.

Spicy foods, such as chili peppers and curry can increase metabolism, but not enough to have a weight loss effect. Its too small and short-lived.

Pills and Supplements

No pills or supplements have proven to increase metabolism enough to help you lose weight.

Some pills, have been shown to lower metabolism, and thus cause a weight gain. Examples of such pills are those used to treat depression and bipolar disorder.

Find out your daily calorie need

For losing one pound of body fat a week, you must create a deficit of 500 calories a day. The most reasonable way to do that, and thus avoid a big metabolic decrease, is through a combination of exercise and diet. You could for example eliminate 2.50 calories from your diet, and add enough activity to burn an extra 250.

Here is how you do it:

1. Determine your basic metabolism rate or RMR
RMR = 655 + (9.6 X your weight in kilograms*)
+ (1.8 X your height in centimetres**)
- (4.7 X your age in years)

2. Factor in your daily activity
Multiply your RMR by the appropriate activity factor:
If you have little or no activity:RMR X 1.2
If you are performing light exercise 1-3 days a week:RMR X 1.375
If you are performing moderate exercise 3-5 days a week: RMR X 1.55
If you are performing strenuous exercise 6-7 days a week: RMR X
If you perform very strenuous daily exercise, sports or physical
job or training twice a day: RMR X 1.9

3. Your final figure represents the minimum number of daily calories that you need to maintain your current weight.

(*) Your weight in kilograms = your weight in pounds divided by 2.2.

Terje Brooks Ellingsen is a writer and internet marketer. He runs the website
Terje enjoys to give advice and help people to burn fat. see weight loss products and workout, see

Why You Should Burn Body Fat.Terje Brooks EllingsenAre you overweight? Then you probably want to lose some weight. It is obvious that youll burn body fat by increasing your metabolism. But be sure that what you burn is fat, not muscles.

Some statistics

After age 25, the average person in America gains one pound or more a year, which means at the age of 50 an average person is 25 pounds or more heavier than he or she was 25 years ago.

As you age your metabolism is slowing down, causing your body to burn less fat.

Without exercising regularly, the average American loses a pound of muscle each year.

A minority of Americans exercise in a significant way, which means less than 50 minutes of exercise per week. Two out of five Americans do not exercise at all.

Motivations for weight loss

Most people's primary motivation for weight loss is to improve their appearance.

Other motivational factors are the many health benefits of proper nutrition and regular exercise.

Why obesity is dangerous

Reduction of excess body fat plays a vital role in maintaining good health and avoiding disease.

Medical evidence shows that obesity poses a significant threat to health as well as to longevity:. Excess body fat is connected to

heart disease



gall bladder disease

gastro-intestinal disease

sexual dysfunction



Why is excess body fat linked to heart disease?

About 4/5s of deaths caused by heart disease and cancer, are linked to life-style factors, inactivity included.

Your heart has to work harder to pump blood to the lungs and to the extra fat throughout your body. Therefore it takes more energy for you to breathe. This extra workload might cause your heart to become enlarged and high blood pressure and life-threatening erratic heartbeats might be the consequences.

Overweight people often also have high cholesterol levels, making them more likely to develop arteriosclerosis. When blood vessels are so narrow that vital organs like the heart, kidneys or brain dont get enough blood, this becomes life-threatening.

It might go without saying, but the narrower the blood vessels become, the harder your heart has to pump, which results in increased blood pressure. . High blood pressure itself poses several health risks, like heart attack, stroke and kidney problems.

Does excess body fat cause cancer?

In general, research has linked cancer-causing chemicals (carcinogens) to excess, actually as a storage place for these.

Excess fat has been linked to a higher rate of breast and uterine cancer for women

Excess fat has been linked to colon and prostate cancer for men.

How is excess body fat related to diabetes?

There is a delicate balance between the relative amount of body fat, the level of blood sugar and the hormone we call insulin.

Excess blood sugar is stored in the liver and other vital organs, and converted to fat as soon as these organs have got what they need of it.

The pancreas of overweight people often produces more and more insulin. The problem is however, that the body is not able to utilize this to regulate its blood sugar levels.

This poor regulation of blood sugar and insulin causes an inbalance in the system, which results in diabetes. This disease may in its turn cause heart disease, kidney failure, blindness, amputation, and death.

How Reducing Body Fat Reduces Disease Risk

At an American University, researchers studied a sample of people following a certain weight management program. This study showed

decreased HDL cholesterol levels

decreased triglyceride levels,

decreased blood pressure.

increased waist-to-hip ratio,

an active lifestyle can slow or stop the disease process for most people, even those with a history of heart disease in the family.

Other studies have shown that programs that includes

regular physical activity,

low-fat diets

stress reduction

reverse heart disease processes.

while other studies shows that reducing body fat through an active lifestyle and low fat diets mean reduced risk for

prostate cancers for men,

breast and uterine cancers for women

non-insulin dependent diabetes for both genders.

So, what shall I do?

You have to change to a new lifestyle, by committing yourself to a long term process that gradually will lead you to a healthier life. This process requires persistence and patience, especially in the beginning. If you stay persistent, your new lifestyle will automatically take over, and it will become natural for you. This process will contain

moderate, long term fat loss

aerobic exercise

strength exercise

Here is the benefits 90 percent of overweight people following this advice has gained:

improved heart function,

improved blood pressure,

improved glucose tolerance,

improved cholesterol levels,

lowering requirements for medication,

eight times less likely to die from cancer than the unfit,

53 percent less likely to die from other diseases than the unfit

eight times less likely to die from heart disease than the unfit people.

But, how can I get started?

The first phase in such a process has shown to be the hardest it is here most people drop out. The longer you stay in the process, the more likely you are to succeed. And trust me; after you - by means of persistency and patience - have passed this critical start phase, the fun and excitement you gradually will experience will make the change well worth the effort.

You must make the decision to commit to this lifestyle changing process.

If you ever feel tempted to skip it for a day or even give up, confront yourself with your commitment, and go on.

How to stay motivated?

Allow plenty of time for the changes. You should give yourself several years for the changes to take place. If you do so, your body will adjust comfortably and the probability of maintaining this healthy lifestyle permanently, will be higher.

Terje Brooks Ellingsen is a writer and internet marketer. He runs the
Terje enjoys to give advice and help people with rapid weight loss, see negative calorie food, see well as low carb diet.

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Saturday, November 24, 2007

Acid Reflux...

Antony WiltonWhen I was young, we had indigestion, now we discuss heartburn, acid reflux and that great mouthful known as gastro esophageal Reflux Disease (thankfully described as GERD)

Whatever you call it, if you are suffering from belching, gas or a bloated stomach lets consider the cause.

Its been a hard and stressful day at work. You race home, gulp down a quick meal and collapse into bed for a well earned rest....But wait.
Suddenly you experience a burning sensation in the top of your stomach.
You may belch and probably feel bloated.
This is the beginning of acid reflux, and can cause acid and stomach content to wash back into the oesophagus creating a burning sensation.

This is often an indicator that something is wrong in your digestive system.
When we eat or drink, the digestive process begins in the mouth with enzymes in saliva beginning the task by starting to break down the food to promote easy digestion.
The food continues down the esophagus, passing through a valve prior to entering the stomach where it comes in contact with stomach (hydrochloric) acid to further break down the food.
If the valve relaxes , or if an excess of acid is produced, acid may be forced back into the oesophagus causing the reflux or heartburn.

(Incidently, I recall cleaning cement from bricks with a commercial hydrochloric acid preparation which indicates the strength of this acid.!)

Occasional reflux is normal, but when it occurs regularly and disrupts daily life, it is described as a disease - Gastro esophageal Reflux Disease, or GERD and can contribute to cancer where the stomach and esophagus meet.

If you are suffering from heartburn the first thing you should do is take a good look at what you are eating.
Over consumption of fatty foods and refined carbohydrates including biscuits, cakes and white bread can affect digestion and and cause reflux symptoms.
Other irritants include salt, spices, sugar, curries, coffee, fizzy drinks and alcohol.

Before you take drastic action to treat heartburn lets look at suitable supplements to aid digestion.
As well as supplements that contain digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid, there are a number of specific formulas to relieve indegestion.
these contain ingredients such as active herbs including Globe Artichoke Leaf, Gentian Root, Fennel Seed and Ginger.
These natural herbs have been used for years in treating stomach complaints.
Swedish Bitters is another possible treatment well recommended.
Probiotics such as Lactobacillus Acidophilus and Bifidacterium lactis are beneficial for digestion by maintaining the friendly bacteria in the gastrointestional tract.

If you feel that you are not over indulging in any of these foods, and reflux symptoms persist, see your doctor, as untreated gastric reflux can damage the esophagus and even lead to cancer.
Doctors can now conduct an impedance pH test which determines whether your reflux is acid or not.
Antony Wilton is an Australian who has been investigating Acid Reflux treatment for a number of years.
His highly anticipated reports are regularly updated on his site

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A Look at Acid Reflux and Your Diet

There is an undeniable connection between the occurrence of acid reflux and diet. Everything in your body has a delicate balance. The human body is a miracle of systems that maintains just the right conditions to keep everything running smoothly. Therefore its the healthiest when there is an acidic balance or equilibrium. The stomach regulates acidic digestion with enzymes that convert acids into manageable alkaline or basal substances. However, when there is an over-production of acid, usually helped along by lifestyle choices like overeating or smoking, acid reflux is likely to occur, and if it goes unregulated, acid reflux disease can develop.

Fortunately, acid reflux and diet can be effectively improved by launching a few lifestyle changes. One of the most important things you can do to cool heartburn down is to avoid certain foods. In many cases, just changing the diet is all that is necessary to control acid reflux. Most health care professionals recommend a low-acid diet consisting of more alkaline or basal foods. Foods such as chocolate, foods with a lot of extra cheese, tomato sauce or catsup based foods, onions, chilies, caffeinated beverages, fatty or fried foods, alcohol, mint, and citrus fruits have been known to aggravate digestion, acting as catalysts for acid reflux.

So what foods are safe to eat? The key qualities in heartburn-friendly foods, for most people, are low fat and non-spicy. So, with that in mind you can probably guess that leafy greens and broccoli, lean cuts of grilled meat, egg whites, low-fat cheeses like feta, apples and bananas, multi-grain breads, and low-fat salad dressings are good choices. Junk food? Occasionally, but with caution, choose fat free cookies, baked potato chips, or red licorice. A good exercise to do if you suffer from heartburn regularly is to create a food diary and log your meal intake for 2 or 3 weeks. Then note each time you experience heartburn in order to target the foods you need to avoid.

In addition to making better food choices, consider changing your portion perception. Overeating is another acid reflux aggravator. Exercise caloric conscientiousness and choose to skip that second helping or fatty side dish, eat slow and drink plenty of water. Living without heartburn is within anyones grasp, and shouldnt require drastic medical treatment. Simple, reasonable modifications in your eating habits can do wonders for quelling acid reflux, not to mention improving overall health.
Acid Reflux Info provides comprehensive information on the cause, symptoms, treatment, and diet associated with normal and infant acid reflux. Acid Reflux Info is the sister site of Pain Relief Web.

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The Most Effective Treatments for Acid Reflux Disease

 Acid reflux disease, or GERD, is a common compliant of the digestive system, often characterised by persistent burning or discomfort behind the breastbone. As the symptoms of GERD can mimic those of coronary disease, it is important that you visit your doctor, if you have chronic heartburn. If you have been diagnosed as having acid reflux disease, there are many treatment options available to you to help you manage your symptoms.

The treatment of GERD usually incorporates simple lifestyle changes. It is very important for patients suffering from GERD to monitor their diets, eliminating any foods or beverages, which seem to aggravate their symptoms. Avoiding a diet high in fatty foods and alcohol is very important and quitting smoking can also help decrease your symptoms. Another effective way to alleviate your symptoms of acid reflux disease is
to try to manage your stress, which causes the body to produce more acid, often causing a flare-up.

If these changes are not enough to alleviate your discomfort, however, your doctor may prescribe drug therapy. Drug therapy is usually prescribed for the lifetime of the patient and often includes medications which inhibit the production of stomach acids, such as proton pump inhibitors or antacids.

While most patients tend to respond well to these treatments, sometimes surgery is the only option for those who do not respond well to other methods. The most common form of surgery used to treat GERD is fundoplication surgery, which repairs the lower esophagal sphincter, thus stopping the stomach acid from backing up into the esophagus. The average hospital stay is between one to four days, and it can sometimes take a patient up to five weeks to fully recuperate. Although surgery can successfully eliminate symptoms, a small number of patients will still need to take medication to fully control their GERD.

Whether you have been recently diagnosed with acid reflux disease or are a long-time sufferer, there are many treatment options available to you, and with a few simple lifestyle changes, under a doctor's supervision, can help you live with your symptoms.
Jeff Lakie is the owner of the Acid Reflux Cures
website. You can find mortgage information and get a free information 

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What is Acid Reflux Disease?

Acid reflux disease, also known as Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease, or GERD, is a common ailment, affecting between 5%-7% of the population. In order to understand what GERD is it is important to be familiar with how the esophagus works. A long muscular tube, the esophagus carries food and liquid from the mouth to the stomach. The average adult esophagus is around ten to thirteen inches long and approximately an half an inch in diameter. GERD is caused by the backflow of acid from the stomach into the esophagus, usually because the lower esophageal sphincter does not close properly. When this happens over a long period of time, the lining of this tract becomes eroded, causing discomfort and pain.

Symptoms of the disease are fairly straightforward and are very similar to the symptoms of heartburn. GERD often include a frequent burning sensation, right behind the breastbone, which sometimes worsens when lying down for extended periods of time. While most cases of heartburn turn out to be non-life threatening, it is important that you visit your doctor at the onset of symptoms. Unfortunately, the symptoms of both indigestion and GERD can also imitate those of heart disease, so it is very important that you seek medical attention to make sure that you get the correct diagnosis.

There are a number of medical tests which your doctor can perform which will confirm the diagnosis of GERD. After your doctor or healthcare professional has taken your medical history, he or she will most likely conduct an test using an Endoscope, a long flexible imaging instrument. This will allow the doctor to visibly exam your esophagus.
If you are diagnosed with Acid Reflux disease, there are a number of treatment options available to you, such as making changes to your diet, reducing stress, and taking over the counter antacids. Serious cases of GERD may require a prescription drug to reduce the acid being produced by your stomach, but lifestyle changes are often enough to control symptoms successfully.
Jeff Lakie is the owner of Occasional Heartburn
a website dedicated to matching consumers with acid reflux help.

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Acid Reflux And Heartburn Natural Remedies

Here is a list of natural remedies that you can use when you have acid reflux or heartburn. No need to use antacids, which have unwanted side effects and contain aluminum, which has been associated with senility and Alzheimers disease.

Here is a list of natural remedies that you can use when you have acid reflux or heartburn. No need to use antacids, which have unwanted side effects and contain aluminum, which has been associated with senility and Alzheimers disease.

Anise, peppermint, and lavender

Heres a tea that you can make to help you with acid reflux or heartburn. It will help you reduce the amount of acid you have in your stomach. Mix together equal amounts of aniseed, peppermint and lavender. Make an infusion of this tea:

* boiling 2 cup distilled water
* pour this water over a teaspoon of the herbal mixture
* let this tea sit for 3- 5 minutes
* strain the tea and add a little bit of honey if you like.
* place this tea in a thermos

Drink up to 8 oz in the morning and 8 oz in the evening to get relief of acid reflux.

Aniseed or anise is a powerful herb that helps in digestive conditions and has many other benefits for your body. Use only the ash-colored anise called green anise, European anise or sweet anise. There are two other types of anise, star anise and caraway, which should not be used here.

Peppermint is another powerful herb for stomach conditions or heartburn. It helps in digestion, stomach distension, cramps, ulcers, and gas.

Lavender known for it scent has enormous healing activity for your body. Is also an excellent stomach aid. It is useful in reducing acid in the stomach.

Betain, Pepsin, and Papaya digestive enzymes

As you get older, your stomach weakens in its ability to produce hydrochloric acid to digest protein. It is undigested protein that leads to acid reflux or heartburn. Use digestive enzymes that contain Betain, pepsin, or HCl with each meal to make sure you digest all of your protein.

Papaya digestive enzymes, which contain papain, are also excellent for protein digestion and you can use them with each meal. Use 500mg or more of papaya enzymes per meal.


Pineapples are a store house of enzymes and contain bromelain, an enzymes that reduces protein. Pineapples support digestion, reduce inflammation, and supports wound healing. The fresh juice has a high level of enzymes that will help you stop your acid reflux.

You can also buy bromelain as tablet and take 200 500mg per meal.

Chicory Root

Chicory comes from a family of bitter herbs that contain endive and escarole. Boil 1 cup of chicory root for 5 - 10 minutes. After it colds to room temperature, drink this tea to correct acid reflux or heartburn.

Adding these herbs to your salad will also have benefits in preventing acid reflux. Eating those foods that are alkaline is the best way to avoid acid reflux and heartburn.

Using the remedies listed here will give relief from your acid reflux. But more importantly add a salad to your diet everyday and you will have less acid reflux in your life.

Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid ebooks. He writes a newsletter call More remedies and information on acid reflux go to:

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